

We all know how amazing the internet can be. It provides you access to all sorts of information with a click of a button. But did you know it can help you control your home and save you money? That’s right! The future is no longer just science fiction – it’s here and it’s now! Your home is becoming smart!

Imagine that every single piece of equipment you own is connected to the internet. Your TV set, your lights, your stove, your water heater, your washing machine, your vacuum cleaner — the list goes on and on. All of them connected to your wi-fi, and all of them controlled from your phone or computer. You don’t have to imagine anymore. It’s all real. And it’s all at your fingertips!

What are the best smart home products?

There is a wide variety of products from which you can choose. Some, however, stand out. They have proven to be trusted and reliable partners for many home-owners.

Smart Appliances

Let’s begin by introducing some of the best home appliances on the market today.

If you are looking for a noiseless, energy-efficient, easy-to-use washing machine, then look no further than the Samsung Washing Machine with ecobubble. You can operate it remotely, and wash your clothes without even being at home!

What’s so great about a smart home?

You are probably thinking “I don’t need all of this. My home is just fine.” True enough, but smart technology aims at providing you with comfort and ease. Here are some of the many benefits it offers:

  1. Energy efficiency

Adjusting your thermostat from the office can be a blessing. No more coming home to a cold and uninviting room. In addition to controlling the temperature remotely, most smart thermostats monitor the energy usage of your whole household. They offer useful analysis and insights into your energy spendings.

  1. Saving money

As companies are becoming more and more eco-friendly by the day, so are their products. Most of the new smart technologies use less energy than their older counterparts to do the same job. And saving on energy means saving on the energy costs and bills.

  1. More security

In this day and age, home security has become an integral part of our way of life. Have you ever walked out of your home, unconsciously locking the door, only to run back five minutes later to check, because you don’t remember doing it? With the new smart technologies, you can simply open the app on your phone and lock the door remotely. Easy!

And how about a machine, which can clean your home without you being present, or while you are comfortably watching TV? Then the Neato Botvac Connected Robot Vacuum is the vacuum cleaner for you! It’s hands down the best of its kind, outperforming all of its competitors.
Another device, which can make your life better is the Mysa Smart Thermostat. It’s stylish and easy to use. Simply adjust it once, and let it do the rest of the work for you! It will save you energy, and it will provide you with useful information and usage reports.

Depending on which area of your home life you are looking to improve, there are many more devices at your disposal. The choice is yours!

Voice Assistants

Controlling all of these smart appliances can be overwhelming. So why not take a voice assistant to help you? They resemble a chic cylinder, and listen to everything you say. However, you can only activate them by using a certain keyword or phrase.

One of the most popular options on the market today is Amazon Echo, or as everyone calls it – Alexa.

Similarly to Alexa, Google Home can also answer any questions you might have, and play your favorite music. It, too, can control the smart technologies in your home; again, including Mysa. Additionally, Google allows you to make direct calls to Canada and the U.S. through the smart assistant for free! All you have to say is “Ok, Google.” or “Hey, Google.” and the world opens up!

Samsung SmartThings

Alexa is the artificial intelligence software that Amazon developed. It was a revolution in smart technologies when it first came out at the end of 2014. Since then, Amazon has sold over 19 million smart speakers.

Alexa can help you in any search you might have, any question you might ask, or any news you might be interested in. She can play your favorite music, tell you the latest football scores, and even control the other smart technologies in your home; one of which being Mysa! Get her to listen to you by starting the conversation with “Alexa, …”.

The second most popular voice assistant is Google Home. It came out a year after Alexa, but it has been doing pretty well for itself. So far, it has sold a staggering 16 million units!

Samsung was the first company to offer a hub that can connect to all of your smart devices, and can control them based on your needs. It’s easy to use. Simply connect it to your router, complete the several steps it asks you to, and you are done. Now instead of you taking care of your home, your home will literally take care of you.

When you wake up in the morning, SmartThings will increase the temperature of the thermostat, so that you are warm. It will turn on the lights and put the coffee machine on at just the right moment. That way you can enjoy a fresh cup, without wasting any time.

Once you leave for work, it will turn off all the lights and appliances, which are not essential. All in all, it will save you a lot of time, and a lot of money.

Smart home products may seem unconventional at first. However, their only goal is to make your life easier, be kind to the environment, and save you money in the process. Now that sounds like a good deal!

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